Unit 11

Don’t Move To Amersham

Above is the finished “Don’t Move To Amersham” project that was edited together by Harley, below is the original edit, when it was first presented to the group we decided to talk about and break down what needed changing and what was good as it was, I brought up the ending and how it did look like it wouldn’t be a nice place to live, which wasn’t fitting with our idea to make the promo show the opposite to what was being said.


Unfortunately the day of filming was pushed back due to the restrictions brought about by Covid-19, but we were still able to complete all the filming we needed to on the day. Below are some photos of the day.


Location Scouting:

The week prior to filming a group of us went out around Amersham to do location scouting, this group consisted of Gareth, Ellie, Charlie and myself the day went well and we found locations that we thought where perfect for the project. Below are some photos from the day.

Risk Assessment

Kit List

  • Canon E60 (Gareth
  • Canon 700D (Adam)
  • Tripod (Gareth)
  • Microphone (College)
  • Boom Poll (College)
  • Microphone Cables XLR (College)
  • External Recorder (College)
  • SD Card x2
  • Pre-Production Papers
  • Cleaning Equipment
  • Reflectors (College)


Ellie’s storyboard she drew from our ideas

Shot List

Our Shot List (as seen below) was put together whilst reading through the voice over script and we compiled a second list of what order we wanted to film which we tested on our location scouting day to great success.


  • Gareth – Director / Assistant Camera
  • Adam – Sound Design / Behind The Scenes / Tech
  • Jack – Actor / Props
  • Harley – Editor / Second Unit
  • Ellie – Cinematographer / Assistant Director / Camera
  • Charlie – Actor / Sound Track / Assistant

The Brief

When the project brief was given to our group 90%Bloopers (Adam, Gareth, Ellie, Harley, Charlie and myself) we all collectively fell in love with the idea of doing an ‘Anti-Advert’, an anti-advert being and advert that will say horrible things about the product but show the opposite, so we decided to roll with that idea with ‘Don’t Come to Amersham’.

Lucky for us there was already a voice over (proved by Nick our teacher) so we wrote our advert around it. The brain storming process was incredibly fun, with me coming up with the idea of having a shot of someone screaming in the middle of an empty field.